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London Breweries expand beer production with Mezzanine Floors
read more >>BRE Digest 437 – Mezzanine and Raised Storage Platform Floors
Pearson Knight were appointed to design and install a bonded stores on two levels at Arcelor Mittals Birmingham facility. The allocated space for the bonded stores awl limited in terms of usable space within the manufacturing facility. A Mezzanine floor was considered to be the best option and after negotiations we installed a bespoke Mezzanine floor capable of accommodating the new storage racking.
All four sides of the Mezzanine floor were fitted with Mezzguard partitioning, which replaced the normal edge protection, Mezzguard is capable of withstanding side impact loadings and conforms to british standards and building regulations. The mezzguard system is quick and easy to install and provides high security to the stores area on the mezzanine whilst providing a safety barrier against stored items on higher racking bays falling over the edge of the mezzanine stores.
A lockable door was installed in a lobby area at the top of the stairs leading to the mezzanine stores. Ground floor mesh partitioning was installed, including double doors ( access for the fork lift trucks ) to complete the bonded stores to the ground floor ( beneath mezzanine ) storage area. The installation was completed to the satisfaction of the management of Arcelor Mittal.